FS Gold Standard

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FS Gold Standard

Total Diesel Engine Performance and Protection 

Dieselex Gold and Suprex Gold ESP have their own unique benefits that power and protect diesel engines. When used together they achieve the FS Gold Standard, maximizing the power, efficiency, and total engine protection you require.

We had the opportunity to dismantle and examine a Cat C15 powerhouse engine that used Dieselex Gold and Suprex Gold ESP for 10 years and one million miles. See the results for yourself below.



Dieselex Gold High-Performance Diesel Fuel
Since 1952, Dieselex® Gold has been improving diesel fuel performance. By optimizing eight unique chemistries (fuel additives) in combination with #2 diesel fuel, Dieselex Gold has earned a reputation for restoring lost horsepower, improving fuel efficiency and protecting today’s sophisticated fuel systems.
Suprex Gold ESP Premium Diesel Engine Oil
Suprex Gold ESP is a premium heavy-duty engine oil formulated with advanced technology to provide superior engine life for on- and off-highway applications as well as the added protection needed for the exhaust after-treatment devices.

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