Red Crown Rot (GROWMARK, Inc.)
- Stem diseases in soybean start to show up in fields around R3.
- Many stem diseases share similar symptoms.
- Knowing what to look for can help with disease identification in the field.
Symptoms and signs of soybean stem diseases typically start around R3. All stem diseases have a similar effect on the plant, and therefore share similar disease symptoms. All stem diseases can “choke” off the movement of nutrients and water by degrading or clogging the elements in the stems. This results in plants that wilt and senesce earlier than unaffected plants. All of our stem diseases are caused by fungal/fungal-like pathogens that overwinter in or on soil as resistant fungal structures or within residue on the field surface. Despite the similarities, there are differences in pathogen biology that will impact signs and symptoms of disease, as well as management in subsequent years. Below is a table summarizing the major diagnosing factors of stem diseases impacting your fields. Contact your local FS Crop Specailist for more information.
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